The company A.G.E.S. s.r.o. modernized technological park within the operational Programme of competitiveness and economic growth.

YEAR 2014-2015

The modernization of the equipment of the company.

A horizontal (horizontal) boring machine


Movements: x=2500mm, y=1600mm, z=1250mm, w=500mm
Working table: 1600mm x 1400mm
Table Load Capacity: 5000kg
Max speed: 3300 ot/min
Power: 37kW
Maximum torque: 1811Nm
Positioning accuracy: 0,001mm
Control System: HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530

  • The name of the project: Increase of competitiveness of the company A. G. E:S. s.r.o. Olcnava through its machinery equipment.
  • Operational programme: Competitiveness and economic growth
  • Priority axis: 1 – Innovation and growth of competitiveness
  • Measure 1.1 – Innovation and technological transfers
  • The objective of the project: Increase of competitiveness of engineering in eastern Slovakia, through the introduction of innovative and advanced technologies, respecting the principles of TUR
  • The specific objective of the project: Modernization of equipment of the company A. G. E. S. s.r.o. Olcnava, allowing the extension of its production range, the growth of employment and increased protection of the ENVIRONMENT
  • Beneficiary: the A. G. E. S. s.r.o. Olcnava
  • The place of the execution of the project: Jarná 25, 053 61 Olcnava, Slovakia
  • Start of implementation: 08/2015
  • End of implementation: 10/2015
  • Amount of contribution: 184 800,- EUR
  • Managing authority: Ministry of economy of the SLOVAK republic,
  • Implementing Agency: Slovak innovation and energy agency (SIEA)


Year 2009:

The name of the project:
Increase of competitiveness of the company A. G. E:S. s.r.o. Olcnava through its machinery equipment.
Operational programme:
Competitiveness and economic growth
The place of the execution of the project:
A.G.E.S. Ltd., Jarná 25, 053 61 Olcnava, Slovakia
Start of implementation: 08/2009
End of implementation: 12/2009

Amount of contribution: 99 500,- EUR