If you are interested must consult the possible cooperation with your organization, please contact us by phone.

If you are interested in a personal visit, in which case we can adapt your date under the previous agreement.

Our address:

A.G.E.S. s.r.o. Olcnava

Družstevná 16
053 61 Olcnava, Slovakia

Phone:+421 (53) 449 58 35

Fax:+421 (53) 429 77 44


Address of traffic:

A.G.E.S. s.r.o.

Družstevná 16
053 61 Olcnava, Slovakia



IČ DPH:SK2020035996

Reg. Okresného súdu Košice I., Odd. Sro. Vl. 9894/V

Banka:Slovenská sporiteľňa


Account number:0520077802/0900

IBAN:SK55 0900 0000 0005 2007 7802

How do you find us?

Go over the bridge and across underpass and go straight ahead to fire station. At fire station turn left and go up hill and then on the crossroad choose the middle road. Continue straight ahead to the end of street and there you will see company on the right side.